SEBD 2025

33rd Symposium On Advanced Database Systems

Ischia (Italy), 16 Jun - 19 Jun 2025

The conference covers a broad range of topics, including traditional database management and new challenges for data management in any possible domain. Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the followings:​



SEBD 2025 invites research, industry, application contributions, and software demonstration submissions. Regular papers presenting original work are solicited. Moreover, discussion papers containing descriptions of results already published are also welcomed. There are three submission formats:

Authors can submit and update submissions through the CMT system at the following link: Please note that for Doctoral Consortium contributions authors have to select the corresponding track. 

Paper selection will be based on originality, clarity, and technical quality. Submissions of papers must be in English, in PDF format, and formatted following the new CEUR-ART 1-column style, which is the style requested for the camera-ready preparation (Overleaf template). 

Accepted regular and discussion papers, as well as accepted Doctoral consortium papers, will be included in the proceedings. Proceedings will be published on and indexed in Scopus. After acceptance, authors are required to re-submit the final PDF. All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the conference, and at least one author is required to register for the conference by the early registration deadline. To accommodate a potentially large number of papers, PC chairs could accommodate poster sessions in addition to regular oral sessions. Each possible poster session will be introduced by a booster session where the authors can pitch the poster contribution with a 1-2 minute presentation. Authors of accepted papers will be notified about the final decision on the presentation format. 

SEBD 2025 - 33rd Symposium On Advanced Database Systems